126 research outputs found

    Assisted On-Job Training

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    Natural Transmission of Information Extraction Results to End-Users - A Proof-of-Concept Using Data-to-Text

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    Information Extraction from natural texts has a great potential in areas such as Tourism and can be of great assistance in transforming customers\u27 comments in valuable information for Tourism operators, governments and customers. After extraction, information needs to be efficiently transmitted to end-users in a natural way. Systems should not, in general, send extracted information directly to end-users, such as hotel managers, as it can be difficult to read. Naturally, humans transmit and encode information using natural languages, such as Portuguese. The problem arising from the need of efficient and natural transmission of the information to end-user is how to encode it. The use of natural language generation (NLG) is a possible solution, for producing sentences, and, with them, texts. In this paper we address this, with a data-to-text system, a derivation of formal NLG systems that use data as input. The proposed system uses an aligned corpus, which was defined, collected and processed, in about approximately 3 weeks of work. To build the language model were used three different in-domain and out-of-domain corpora. The effects of this approach were evaluated, and results are presented. Automatic metrics, BLEU and Meteor, were used to evaluate the different systems, comparing their values with similar systems. Results show that expanding the corpus has a major positive effect in BLEU and Meteor scores and use of additional corpora (in-domain and out-of-domain) in training language model does not result in significantly different performance. The scores obtained, combined with their comparison with other systems performance and informal evaluation by humans of the sentences produced, give additional support for the capabilities of the translation based approach for fast development of data-to-text for new domains

    eABC: scientific publications bibliografic archive

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    The paper intends to present eABC – Scientific Publications Bibliographic Archive of University of Aveiro’. It describes the motivation that induced its implementation, advantages for users and for all those whom the system serves. Some of the systems functionalities will be presented, along with a description on how to use them. Finally, the current status of the system - as it is being used by the University of Aveiro - will be presented, with the addition of an explanation on how this system helps in the creation of mechanisms that enable the adaptability and flexibility of systems to improve the scientific community dynamics

    abcNet: literacy tool based on entities

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    In the 21st century the demanding for reading and writing capabilities will increase not only in the children but also in the adult generation. For adults, their level of literacy will determine the job they may get, the way they will behave as citizens, the way they will grow up their own children, etc. Literacy is the basic key tool for a successful future. Information requires literacy information is being redirected to the internet, requiring not only additional investments but also additional skills. The skills to deal with new technologies is the new challenge for the 21st century. abcNet is a web based application which aims at teaching how to read and write

    Proposta de modelo de avaliação da política de incentivo à leitura (anteriormente designada ‘porte pago’)

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    (Excerto) Ao longo dos anos, o porte pago – assunção total ou parcial pelo Estado do custo da expedição postal das publicações periódicas – tem sido um dos mais emblemáticos apoios do Estado à Comunicação Social, absorvendo uma fatia significativa das verbas atribuídas à imprensa. Apesar de ser um apoio indirecto, cujo objectivo expresso é fazer com que as publicações cheguem aos leitores, suprindo lacunas nas redes de distribuição, este incentivo tem sido considerado por vários agentes ligados ao sector como um dos principais sustentáculos da imprensa local e regional, principal beneficiária deste incentivo. Esta política está, no entanto, longe de ser pacífica. Ao longo de mais de três décadas de democracia em Portugal, tem originado fortes controvérsias. Independentemente da conhecida intensidade dos debates sobre esta matéria, e que frequentemente saltam para a esfera pública, o nosso trabalho exploratório no terreno permitiu-nos confirmar que estes subsídios (ou a sua ausência ou diminuição) continuam a ser defendidos e atacados com veemência por diferentes actores sociais

    Criminal Procedure Information System

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    No âmbito da modernização administrativa de Cabo Verde, iniciou-se, em 2009, a informatização das Secretarias e do Processo Penal dos tribunais deste país. Este projeto foi uma iniciativa do Ministério de Justiça em parceria com as Universidades de Cabo Verde e Aveiro (Portugal), tendo como resultado um sistema informático designado “Sistema de Informação do Processo Penal” (SIPP). Esta ação foi enquadrada pela missão das Universidades, que, para além do ensino, incluem ainda a investigação e desenvolvimento, a transferência do conhecimento para a sociedade e, no caso da UA, a cooperação para o desenvolvimento.The computerisation of secretariats and criminal courts began in 2009 as part of the administrative modernisation of Cape Verde. This project was a Ministry of Justice initiative in partnership with the Universities of Cape Verde and Aveiro (Portugal). Its result was a computer system called the Criminal Procedure Information System (SIPP). The project fitted into the mission of universities, which includes not only teaching, but also research and development, the transfer of knowledge and, in the case of the University of Aveiro, development aid

    Sustainability in R&D projects

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    Este artigo refere o percurso seguido pela Universidade Aveiro em diversos projetos de cooperação desenvolvidos em particular em Cabo Verde, onde ao longo dos últimos anos lecionou dois mestrados fora de portas e onde desenvolveu e desenvolve sistemas informáticos na área da justiça. Serão abordadas as formas de financiamento dos projetos, a forma de cooperação entre as instituições, o estabelecimento de equipas de trabalho e as consequências na sustentabilidade dos mesmos em função das opções anteriores.This article describes the route followed by the University of Aveiro in aid projects, particularly in Cape Verde, where in recent years it has taught two master’s degrees and has been developing IT systems for justice. We discuss how the projects were financed, the form of cooperation between institutions, the formation of work teams and the effects on their sustainability on the basis of the above options

    Mapping of processes for the integration of civil registry systems in São Tomé and Príncipe

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    The Civil Register throughout the Vital Statistics provides key information for analysis and planning of multisector policies based on age and geographic distribution of populations. Based on computer systems and automated processes are an integral part of supporting the consolidation of these systems in developing countries in order to reach more acceptable levels of coverage (Notzon , 2014) (WBC & WHO, 2015) and that guarantee citizens the right to a legal identity and citizenship (Ayebale, 2015). This article presents the perspective followed in the implementation of a computer-based system for the Civil Registry and Vital Statistics in São Tomé and Príncipe, which that aims to simplify and streamline existing processes, reduce bureaucracy and improve the provision of services to citizens, contributing a new role and support the assumption that robust Civil Registry and Vital Statistics provide direct benefits to individuals and greater accountability of governments

    Object oriented platform to RDBMS stored procedures

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    Object-oriented programming (OOP) is the most successful paradigm used in programming environments. Some difficulties arise when it is necessary to deal with data stored in a relational database because relational databases do not provide an object-oriented interface to their entities. The most common solution consists in developing a specific interface that guarantees some specific requirements. Here, we explain a methodology to implement an application-side object-oriented platform in order to access stored procedures in relational databases